About me

Hello and welcome to my homepage ... I am Lena Quail


When I was 19, I went to England to study Scientific and natural history illustration and achieve a Bachelor Degree of Art in Design.


I was born in Denmark, but have worked and lived with my family in

Germany since 1998.

As a freelance illustrator, I have the opportunity to work in many different artistic fields. My jobs include anything from producing animal or plant illustrations for non-fiction publishers. I teach art in schools and at evening classes. Museums need my illustrations for specific exhibitions and also the general public commission me to draw portraits or animal portraits to hang on their walls at home. Also special commissions, like a family tree is included in my repertoire. I sell my paintings private, to towns, companies and more.


In the Gallery you will find examples of my artwork.


If you are interested in any of my work, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Some of my exhibitions and publications over the years

More customers are listed under references


- Art exhibition der Gruppe Kunst der Weltenburger Akademie

- "Neustadt gestern und heute" - Forum regionaler Kunst in Neustadt a.d. Donau

- "Malerei und Illustration" - Im alten Sudhaus, Brauerei Schneider in Kelheim

- "Illustrationen und Bilder in Öl, Acryl, Gouache und Bleistift" - Eiglhaus in Neustadt a.d. Donau

- "Illustrationen und Bücher" (Ausstellung mit Vorträgen) - Stadtbücherei Neustadt a.d. Donau

- "The best of British illustration" - "The Royal Collage of Art in London


- Painting the Christmas cards for the tourist information Bad Gögging

- Illustrations for several garden books/guides for Knauer Ratgeber Verlage and Augustus Verlag

- Producing the cover picture for the hotel guide for Ingolstadt

- Medical illustrations for a reference book about dog diseases for Naturbuchverlag, Augsburg

- Anatomical illustration for an information board at a Zoo in Lancashire

-"Was ist was Chemie" a book about chemistry for children for Tessloff Verlag, Nürnberg

- Botanical illustrations of healing plants for the book "Gesundheit aus der Apotheke Gottes", Weltbild Verlag, München